• 13 Jun 2024
ABLE Staff Writers

Fun, Friendly and Lasting Learning at The Athena School

Students at the Athena School are taught so that they can apply what they learn. The Athena School is an independent school in the heart of Newtown in Sydney’s Inner West, Australia.

Our beautiful and leafy Athena School has a primary and high school offering kindergarten to year 10 classes.

We accept enrollments throughout the school year from local students and overseas students currently in Sydney or Australia.

Our approach is friendly and caring and works to develop a passion for learning in the students. To achieve this, we provide smaller classes with a higher teacher-student ratio and more personalized attention.

The Athena School running student

“When I first came to Australia, I spoke little to no English. It was the teachers that helped me eminently improve my vocabulary. I would like to give my special thanks to Rose on that part. I am very lucky to have been able to study at this school. Everything just clicked in, you know, after being able to actually understand what everyone was saying.

That’s not all. When I was in Vietnam, in schools there, we didn’t study to understand; we studied to pass exams. The four years I was in school there, I felt like I was being pressured into cramming all these things into my mind that I had to remember just for exams and won’t use any of it later on.

“For the first time, I felt like school could actually be fun and I could actually use the knowledge I’m gaining through my studies.”

That’s the difference here, though. I was able to really learn with the help of my teachers. For the first time, I felt like school could actually be fun and I could actually use the knowledge I’m gaining through my studies. I am so grateful for everything that everyone has done for me here. I thoroughly enjoyed my time and was able to learn so much.”

V.A., Student

The school’s educational focus is on nurturing the student’s individual talents and encouraging an enquiring mind.

Students at Athena are introduced to a simple, practical method of study from their early school years. By the time they arrive in high school, they are developing the skills to independently be able to use this method of study to investigate and research any topic of interest. Furthermore, this method results in the students truly understanding what they have learned so they can put their knowledge to practical use in the workaday world.

The Athena School is part of an international network of schools licensed by Applied Scholastics International. As part of this network, the school utilizes Study Technology developed by author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard.

To learn more about the Athena School, visit athena.school.

ABLE Staff Writer

The ABLE editorial team is a diverse group dedicated to sharing news about social betterment and forwarding ABLE’s mission of a world free of drugs, crime, illiteracy, and immorality.

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